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Mesa, Néstor et al. Natural illuminance levels in residential buildings norms in force and actual results for Mendoza: Argentina. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago do Chile. Anais... Santiago do Chile, 2003.
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The goal of this study is to assess the relationship between the normative requirements in force and the availability of interior daylighting levels, due to their implementation, in buildings inserted in high density urban environments, in sunny, dry mesothermal climates. Quantitative information on the correlation between window size, orientation and location and their related available interior illuminance are presented. The calculation of the illuminance levels (lux) was performed using simulation programs (Desktop Radiance 2.0). From the total cases analysed, only 25% display values in compliance with norms IRAM – AADL, for the usable working surface. The results obtained confirm the insufficient response of the normative in force, for obtaining luminous comfort in interior spaces, with the sole use of natural light. The need for revising and updating them, on dimensional aspects and distances between buildings, is clearly demonstrated, when aiming at maximizing the use of the resource in the region.