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Mesa, Alejandro Alejandro et al. Las metodologías de prospectiva como herramienta para orientar la planificación estratégica del sistema energético del país: presentación del observatorio de prospectiva de tecnologías energéticas de Argentina. ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 12., 2008, Fortaleza, CE.
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The energy resource has been one of the pillars supporting the operation of the economy and the transformation of society. Technology used today is dominated almost exclusively by fossil fuel dependency. Argentina is also affected by these problems, in addition to a significant decline of its reserve production. Confronted with this, it is necessary to conduct a research process of the current status of these technologies and their long term evolution, keeping in mind these problems. These predictive actions conducted through prospective techniques, go beyond the technological fact, taking into consideration the economical and social framework. Prospective ness is a systematic process used to explore the long term future of sciences, technology, economy, environment, and society. Within this context, members of different institutions in the country who are related with the energy field, through the funding of the National Secretary of Science, Technology, and Productive Innovation, created the Energy Technology Prospective Observatory (OPTE, Spanish acronym), whose overall goal is to set the main guidelines required for a long term strategically planning of the country’s energy system, proposing R+D actions to achieve the appropriation, development, and use of appropriate sustainable technologies adapted to its economical conditions. This study describes methodological aspects, structures, and tasks developed by OPTE, as well as future stages and goals to be achieved soon.