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SANTOS, J. C. P. dos et al. Determination of reference transparent materials for solar heat gains calculation. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago do Chile. Anais... Santiago do Chile, 2003.
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Citações: 76
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The solar gains calculation through transparent materials consider the incident solar radiation intensity, the incidence angle and the "Solar Heat Factor" (SHF). This Factor indicates the incident solar energy portion that arrives indoor, and varies as function of incidence angle. This article presents a method that allows to calculate thermal gains through these materials, for any incidence angle, being enough to know its performance in normal incidence. Firstly were measured the performances of different types of transparent materials, through spectrophotometric experiments for different incidence angles, in relation to transmission and reflection. Were identified materials groups with similar behaviors of SHF variation with incidence angle. For each group, was defined a reference material with a pattern of SHF variation. This procedure allows to calculate the SHF and the heat gains for any other incidence angles and for any other materials classified in the same group. The heat gains calculations are made for the reference material and an adjustment is made for the real material utilized, through the multiplication of the calculated value by a "Heat Admission Coefficient" (HAC), that is the relationship, at normal incidence angle, between the considered material SHF and the SHF of the reference material.