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DIAZ, C.j.; CZAJKOWSKI, J. D. Análise técnico-económico en viviendas de interés social en el extremo sur-patagónico (Prov. Tierra del Fuego). In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL SOBRE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 8., ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 4., 2005, Maceió. Anais… Maceió: ANTAC, 2005. p. 579-585.
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El siguiente trabajo es parte de un estudio que se llevo a cabo en la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, en donde se realizo un análisis térmico-económico de las viviendas de interés social, construidas por el Estado. Las viviendas están emplazadas en una zona geográfica de clima extremo1. Se estudio la calidad de los sistemas constructivos empleados y en relación a las características climáticas del sitio, se propusieron mejoras que contemplen cambios en cuanto al confort y al ahorro de energía. Se discute la factibilidad técnica-económica. Se discute la propuesta en el marco de las corrientes económicas vigentes a nivel nacional e internacional. Se menciona los subsidios que se otorgan en toda la Patagonia al costo final del gas. A escala local se tomará en cuenta el ahorro que se produce en el consumo final de energía residencial y la factibilidad de transferir la tecnología apropiada a usuarios, organismos técnicos estatales y empresas licitatorias.


The work presented is part of a study conducted in the province of Tierra del Fuego, in which analyses were produced of thermic environment and economic factors with a focus on low-income housing constructed by the government. Geographically, the dwellings studied are located in an area of extreme climatic conditions. As such, the quality of constuction and of architectural design - form as well as material - was studied to verify whether existing systems are well-suited to the climate. Based on the hypothesis that existing local housing shows serious adaptive problems contributing to energy loss, improvements in construction are proposed which show advantages in levels of comfort and savings in combustible fuels used for heating. This work aims to draw comparisons between the situations before and after implementation of proposed energy-saving measures, and discuss the technical and economic feasibility of the above proposals. To develop this, the compatibility between the processes of transference, market competition, technological innovation and sustainable development are analyzed in the context of neo- Shumpeter/evolutionist theory. Later, the status of the Argentinian energy sector is also taken into account using quantitative national and provincial data - for example, provincial subsidies for gas in Patagonia, quantity of government dwellings in unfavourable conditions, and number of inhabitants affected. In the future, savings produced in final residential energy consumption, and feasibility of technology transfer to users, technic al government bodies and contracted businesses could be studied on the provincial level.