Mais informações

CASTRO, Eduardo Breviglieri Pereira de; BASTOS, Leopoldo Eurico Gonçalves. A computer application for weather data manipulationa. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 7., 2001, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2001. p. 143-148.
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The aim of this work is to present a computer application that was developed to be a user-friendly interface that simplifies the manipulation of weather data files. The computer code is capable of creating and editing .EPW (EnergyPlus) and .TMY2 (Typical Meteorological Year II) weather files and making some translation between the two formats. It is part of an academic project that comprises the development of a series of applications, which together will consist of a complete interface for illumination/Thermal Comfort simulations using the EnergyPlus engine.