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QUEIROZ, Teresa Cristina Ferreira de; BASTOS, Leopoldo Eurico Gonçalves. Method for thermal design assistance: taking in account the diversity of a tropical urban climate. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago do Chile. Anais... Santiago do Chile, 2003.
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This work represents a topic of research developed in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Faculty of Architecture, in the Post-Graduate Architecture Team, in Brazil. The context of this work is the development of methods for thermal design assistance in architectural practice. The aim is to to assist the building design team (architects, engineers and technical designers) to make early decisions, producing indoor environmental quality in the refurbished building design, with passive features. Our approach examines the thermal design of traditional architecture, located in an urban region, considering the diversity of the tropical climate. The method is to apply thermal simulations, providing the analysis of thermal exchanges, taking in account environmental and individual param eters. We explore the correlations between thermal transmittance through opaque surfaces and solar radiation transmittance of glazed windows. We expect to create architectural design knowledge to be adopted in the future development actions providing a sus tainable refurbished building in the urban spaces of the tropical climate.