Mais informações

CASAROTTO, Rosangela Mauzer; HEINECK, Luiz Fernando Mahlmann; CASAROTTO FILHO, Nelson. Um método para programação de obras baseado em curvas de agregação. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 16., 1996, Piracicaba. Anais… Piracicaba: ABEPRO, 1996.
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Dados do autor na base InfoHab:
Número de Trabalhos: 4 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 3
Índice h: 2  
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Construction is an industrial activity characterized by a product with an unmovable position, a unique one, with a long life cycle and an instability of utilization of resources in skills and amounts. The building schedule has, always, a high doubt degree. As each building is a new one, with particular characteristics, it must be interesting to have a tool to turn around the doubts about developing and the final result, talking about product, time and costs. This work deals with a research of cost developing during the building time, from a set of 18 projects built in Florianópolis. The curves of project costs and the cumulative cost curves were used like a pattern cost curve for a methodology proposed to help programming and controlling of new constructions.