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VARGAS, Carlos Luciano Sant´ana; MENDES JUNIOR, Ricardo; HEINECK, Luiz Fernando Mahlmann. Programação e controle de atividades repetitivas na execução de obras com modelo reduzido utilizando a técnica da linha de balanço. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ABEPRO, 1998.
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The paper describes a game for simulation of the execution of some activities in construction of multi-storey buildings using a reduced model and Line of Balance concepts. The reduced model presents in paper panels one bathroom from each floor of the a ten-floor building The objectives of the simulation are presented and some details of a recent application for undergraduate students. The simulation aims to apply in classroom productivity and waste evaluation, and modern construction management techniques. The paper focus the simulation methodology and details for its application including all the roles for each simulation's actor. The Line of Balance technique was used to schedule the activities for the game application and to control their execution. The main concept involved in this scheduling is that any activity is executed by one skilled team. One or more teams may execute an activity on different floors in order to achieve the necessary production rhythm. The game kit is described including all the necessary material for the game co-ordination and the material for the construction simulation. Some results obtained from the practical of this game are presented, as the productivity measures and execution times.