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MACH, Josiani Santos Oliveira; LONGO, Orlando Celso. Considerações sobre a gestão ambiental: impacto da construção civil: um estudo de caso do sistema lagunar Piratiniga e Itaipú. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ABEPRO, 1998.
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Polution is, nowadays, one of the most polemic subjects lifted by the society. In a time where the environmental impact is the center of debates, the Piratininga-Itaipú Lagoonal System (Niterói-RJ) portrays, with fidelity, the result obtained through "aggressors" of civil construction (or it lacks of them). The degree of eutrophication of the lagoonal system, is due in a lot, to the search of a hydraulic balance through engineering works and to the lack of basic sanitation. The standard NBR ISO 14000 - Environmental Management System, it has as characteristics, the posssibility to use for a third-part certification, or still to be used as conformity solemnity-declaration. The present work has for objective, a study, based on data of the Piratininga-Itaipú system, in view of the NBR ISO 14000. It is not a certification of the lagoonal system, but to fit on an environmental objective, aiding to execute and to maintain the attendance to the environmental laws.