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MENEZES, Guilherme Stoppa; SERRA, Sheyla Mara Baptista. Evaluation of work conditions in the Brazilian civil construction industry. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 2003, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo, 2003.
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Número de Trabalhos: 3 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 1)
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The construction industry is passing through a transformation process that reaches all phases within the productive process. However, it was verified during the execution phase that a high rate of work accidents and occupational diseases were caused, among other reasons, by a lack of appropriate planning, ignorance and non-regiment of the legal conditions of management, and safety and health in work. It’s increasing the managerial organizations that are observing the need to accomplish investments in the area of health and safety. The Brazilian government reedited and it maintains an updated regiment that establishes guidelines to administrative order, planning and organization, and aims to the improvement of control measures and preventive systems of safety in these processes, in the conditions of work environment and in the industry of construction. In this point-of-view, this article tries to verify the effective implantation of this regiment in civil constructions and to analyze the conditions in work development in the industry of Brazilian civil construction. It intends to demonstrate that, by investing in the safety and worker's health, the investor will be developing the quality of his collaborators' life above all.