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TAKAKI, E.; MELO, R. S. A.; BARKOKÉBAS JUNIOR, B. Implantação de um empreendimento habitacional popular no município do Rio Formoso, Pernambuco. In: CONGRESSO DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 5., 2002, Juiz de Fora. Anais… Juiz de Fora: UFJF, 2002.
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The present work consisted of the implantation of a popular habitational enterprise in the urban area of expansion of the municipal district of Rio Formoso-PE. The town planning proposal, were established parameters and guidelines, in order to obtain the urban planning, with appropriate legislation, integrating the user into the local conditions. The beneficiaries are the lacking community and the uncovered of the floods. The selected community with the support from community leaders' and from the City hall was and continues being prepared for the activities in collective effort, with the engineering students' participation. The creation of an enterprise for the community of low income, in an articulate way is transforming and forming human resources, incorporating new concepts, technologies and more knowledge. This participative work, among community, University and City hall, is configured as a planning model and organization, where the Catholic University of Pernambuco contributed to the development of the Municipal district of Rio Formoso and of the area.