Mais informações

NEVES, Renato Martins Das; COELHO, Henrique Otto; FORMOSO, Carlos Torres. Aprendizagem na implantação do PCP. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 22., 2002, Curitiba. Anais… Curitiba: ABEPRO, 2002.
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Número de Trabalhos: 21 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
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Co-autores: 1

Dados do autor na base InfoHab:
Número de Trabalhos: 122 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 91)
Citações: 7
Índice h: 2  
Co-autores: Nenhum co-autor encontrado


This paper aims to verify learning in implanting of the model planning and production control concerning micro and small construction companies. Also it aims to verify some indicators and to define the nature of problems. Last Planner sheets of eleven building sites, have been analyzed. Eight of these building sites took part of the implantation of PCP developed by Bernardes (2001) from 1998/1999 and three other building sites from 2000/2001. Through the results it was inferred that: the basic requisite of Last Planner is not being fulfilled as definition work package. That both researchers and building companies learned to implant PCP. Also new issues have been proposed to better define work package, constraints, resources planning, once these concepts are important in last planner.