Mais informações

Azevedo, Clarissa Santos de; FIGUEIREDO, Enio José Pazini. Contribution of the mineral additions for the resistance the corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONCRETE, PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, 3., 2002, Recife. Anais… Recife, 2002.
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The concrete, used in the building site in great proportions, there are still few years was had as of great durability. However, in the last times, they are every time larger the numbers that show that that durability is being affected. For that reason, the need of new studies and researches that can contribute to the obtaining of more durable and resistant structures to the aggressive agents exists, more and more presents in the atmospheres that surround the concrete structures. This work has the intention of contributing for the best understanding of the durability of the concretes done with mineral additions and specifically to accomplish comparisons among concretes made with some types of mineral additions, as the silica fume (SF), the oxygen stell malking slag (SLD) and the rice husk ash (RHA), and a conventional concrete (reference). They were made prismatic specimens in the dimensions of 15x20x40cm, with distribution of four bars of steel of 10.0mm of diameter and band of 4.2mm of diameter. Being adopted as cover of the stell a thickness of 2,5 cm, and for future comparisons all specimens them prismatic they were made with w/cm 0,51. For accomplishment of the comparisons between the used mineral additions and the conventional concrete, test were accomplished to the compression strength, absorption of water and air-permeability in the concrete for the method of Figg. To evaluate the acting of the mineral additions, it was also accomplished test of attacks by chloride ion and carbonation tests. For the chlorides ion test they were made alternate drying and wet cycles in solution of 1% of NaCl. For verification of those results were accomplished measurements electrochemistries (icorr, Ecorr and Rohm), always previously and later the changes of situations. And for the carbonation they were made phenolphthalein applications for observation of the time of turning of the pH value.