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KLEIN, Dario Lauro; CAMPAGNOLO, João Luiz; SILVA FILHO, Luiz Carlos Pinto da. Determinação das causas de colapso de uma torre metálica treliçada auto-suportada. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO DE ESTRUTURAS DANIFICADAS, 3., 2002, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
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Número de Trabalhos: 21 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 6)
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Índice h: Indice h não calculado  
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The investigation of failures is critical to determine responsibilities but also to lead us to a better understand of our structures and their weaknesses. The establishment of an structured process for data gathering and testing of failed structures is therefore mandatory. This paper presents the results of an investigation carried out to determine the reasons for the failure and the failure mechanism of a metallic trussed tower 82 m high. The failure occurred in January 2001, during a storm in Porto Alegre - RS, in the south of Brazil. The structure was just 6 years old . The paper discusses the various steps taken to determine the characteristics of the structure prior to the event and to determine the failure mode. It discusses in detail the initial survey of the site and the collection of samples, since these are critical steps in preserving the evidence. It gives a brief description of the analysis of the project, the determination of possible wind loads and the determination of the structural response of the structure. Finally, it presents the probable failures causes and discusses what we can learn from events like these.