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PEREIRA, L. F. L. C.; FIGUEIREDO, E. J. P.; MOREIRA, H. M. P. Primeiros estudos sobre penetração de cloretos em estruturas de concreto da região metropolitana do Recife. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH- PERFORMANCE CONCRETE, AND PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, 2., 1999, Gramado. Anais… Gramado, 1999.
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The corrosion of reinforced concrete by chloride ions is one of the most serious problems of this material. This phenomenon is known in all countries. In Brazil, specially Recife, situated on coast line, the effect of chlorides is easily observed by the deterioration of concrete structures. The carbonation and chloride ions are the main corrosion beginners agents. Several factors are related on the environment and concrete characteristics that rise the velocity and depth with chloride ions progreed throught of the concrete. The measure of the depth of chloride ions reach the concrete, is made in concrete samples picked from different depths, by powder or solid shape. The quantitative analysis of chloride ions was made by chemistry path. This report will analyze the chloride ions in samples withdraw from concrete structures of Recife’s metropolitan region, to support the engineers in future diagnosis, materials, and techniques repair specifications and details design for new concrete structures. As the same time this work will provide the standardization of chemical analysis of chloride ions on this region.