Mais informações

FREITAS, Ana Augusta Ferreira de; HEINECK, Luiz Fernando Mahlmann. Modelagem do comportamento dos decisores através de técnicas de preferência declarada: uma aplicação no setor imobiliário de Santa Catarina. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 15., 1995, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: ABEPRO, 1995. p. 87-90.
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A step by step application of stated preference methods to evaluate user´s utilities in connection with apartment atributes is described according to a recent study performed for the City of Florianópolis market. It is shown how attributes were chosen, how their levels were set and how prices were included. The number of different cards with apartment options offered to each potential client is discussed. A specimen card is presented. Expected conclusions derived from this research work are put forward.