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AMORIM, Sérgio Roberto Leusin de. O sistema de indicadores de qualidade e produtividade do clube da construção do Rio de Janeiro. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ABEPRO, 1998.
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The Quality in Construction Club, a building enterprises research association, under the auspices of the SENAI - Industrial Apprenticeship National Service and SINDUSCON-RJ, the building patronage syndicate, sponsored the development of a quality and productivity indicators for the building industry. The system indicators includes: labor productivity, based in the relationship between productive, unproductive and auxiliary time during the site works; waste tracers, based in the following the consumption of the most significant materials items; product quality, based in the following of post-deliverance services; and service quality, based in the control of the remaking services. Besides an irregular participation of the 12 firms directly involved, the system establish a reliable method to follow the building quality and productivity performance, allowing to define reasonable benchmarks. Nevertheless, the sample universe is not yet representative so it is not possible to characterize the building performance in Rio de Janeiro .Even so, since an adequate training is provide for the technical staff ,the system is an important management instrument for firm quality improvement programs, revealing many potentials uses for this new kind of information in building management, some of them exemplified.