Mais informações

FARIA, João Roberto Gomes de. Reverb: aplicativo para projeto acústico de salas. In: CONFERÊNCIA LATINO-AMERICANA DE INFORMÁTICA NO ENSINO DE ARQUITETURA, SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE INFORMÁTICA NO ENSINO DE ARQUITETURA, 4., 1998, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: UFSC, 1998.
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The REVERB software is a room acoustic project tool. It calculates the reverberation time of rooms, with Sabine-Franklin and Norris-Eyring equations. Data bases of surfaces and isolated elements absorption coefficients, and equations coefficients of optimal reverberation times for many acoustical uses of rooms are the REVERB inputs. A set of results by octave band is displayed: an spreadsheet with optimal and calculated reverberation times, and total absorption, a graphic with optimal and calculated reverberation times, and a graphic of attenuation pressure level versus distance of sound source. These outputs can be printed on a report form. Because of it’s didactic application, the help-on-line gives information about the calculate methods and theoretical fundamentation.