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Arboit, Mariela; Diblasi, Angela; DE ROSA, Carlos. Análisis estadístico del factor de asoleamiento volumétrico en tramas urbanas de baja densidad en el area metropolitana de Mendoza. ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 12., 2008, Fortaleza, CE.
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The present work’s goal is to generate knowledge and methodologies in order to produce proposals aimed at attaining a greater level of energy and environmental sustainability in the regional urban systems, as function of their morphologic features and the available solar resource. Mendoza’s Metropolitan Area (MMA) has been chosen as a case study. The already accomplished and published results have been developed from the recognition of morphologically homogeneous urban areas, identifications of the corresponding variables, selection of a representative sample of the analysis units (urban city-blocks) considered, creation of indicators relevant to describe solar potential, calculation of the indicators and implementation of conventional and multivaried statistical as analysis tools. The present study allows for the evaluation of the correlation between the total impinging energy on north facing vertical surfaces and the volume requiring space heating in MMA. The results of conventional and statistical analysis validated the method with a confidence level of 99% and have allowed to evaluate the relative weight of each morphological variable on the indicator, proposing besides a simple equation to calculate the indicator’s value for different morphological alternatives and their combinations. Developing from the present results, future studies aimed at proposing design guidelines for the prescription and implementation of norms establishing value ranges for each significant variable, leading to the optimal utilization of the solar resource in the city and thereby to the energy and environmental sustainable development.