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BRASILIANO, Ana Emília; CALMON, João Luiz. Um modelo de gestão do desenvolvimento de projetos das edificações públicas baseado nos princípios da engenharia simultânea. In: SEMINÁRIO SOBRE LEAN CONSTRUCTION, 5., SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE "LEAN DESIGN" E "DESIGN BUILD", 2000, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo, 2000.
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Número de Trabalhos: 3 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 2)
Citações: 347
Índice h: 11  
Co-autores: Nenhum co-autor encontrado


With the advent of the concept of Lean Construction, Concurrent Engineering has been the object of studies regarding its applicability in Civil Construction, with the purpose of promoting change in project development processes in order to eliminate value losses which stem mainly from flaws in considering the users' needs and interaction in the work's project. Such problems in the development of projects are also noted in public institutions which, due to the quest for quality in the various sectors which offer products and services, have been undergoing public pressure to improve the quality of services rendered. In this context, this study presents the principles of CE, some aspects of the Competitive Bidding Law which governs the conduct in contracting projects in public institutions, and the proposal of a model for managing the development of public building projects, based on the theoretical foundation of CE and a case study carried out at the Public Works Department of the City of Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil.