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Gama, João Luiz et al. Identification and mapping of agents aggressive to reinforced concrete in steel platns: examples of studies, diagnosis, techniques and repair costs. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCRETE UNDER SEVERE CONDITION ENVIRONMENTAL AND LOADING, 3., 2001, Vancouver.
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In the steel making process, there are environments where agents such as impacts, high temperature (up to 1.500ºC), steams, aggressive waters (i.e. demineralized), sulphur dioxide (SO2) carbonic gas (CO2) and, mainly, the synergical action of these elements which are mechanically, physically and/or chemically aggressive to reinforced concrete. This work will not only describe the identification of some of these agents and their localization in the steel plant, but also will cite examples of studies and diagnosis of deteriorated civil works at CST(1) steel plant, the techniques used to repair them and costs incurred. It is for this reason that the recommendation of Dr. Chister Sjöstron, president of CIB W80 in 1997 should be carefully considered. It says: one of the research areas which deserves priority regarding concrete durability is “the characterization/mapping and classification of the main factors of environmental degradation characterization of macro, mezzo and micro weathers) such as sun radiation, winds direction, rain incidence, pollution, moisture, temperature, etc.” [1], thus providing subsidies for activities involving project, building and maintenance of concrete structures in steel plants. Lack of information on environment has led to significant failures in buildings, increasing costs of maintenance and repair of concrete structures in this important segment of the world economy.