Mais informações

GRIMME, F. W.; LAAR, M. Tropical office buildings: different impacts on energy efficiency. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 16., 1999, Brisbane. Anais... Brisbane: PLEA, 1999. p. 833-838.
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Co-autores: 1


This paper is based on a case-study for the “ Centro Empressarial na Barra” project of LPC Arquitetura Ltda., in Rio de Janeiro, carried out in January 1999. The realisation of the project is scheduled for 1999. Three different parameters were investigated regarding the energy consumption for cooling and lighting of the building: the impact of the orientation of the building, the influence of shading devices and the possible impact of improved daylighting. Technical aspects as well as users behaviour were taken into consideration. The quantitative results, which were considered as highly important to convince the client of a new approach in the buildings layout, was obtained by simulations with HELIOS, using weather-data files issued by METEONORM.