Mais informações

CASTRO, P. F.; CURCIO, D. S. Proposta de normalização para barras de plástico reforçado com fibras de vidro (PRFV). In: SEMANA DE ENGENHARIA, 5., 1999, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: UFF, 1999.
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Citações: 2
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Advanced composites made of fibre reinforced plastic (PRF) have the potential to become a prominent construction material in the twenty-first century. This would have a significant impact on Construction Industry in general, and could provide sizable benefits to constructability and durability of concrete structures. A successful research program needs to recognized the technical issues of technology transfer, but also to realize that fibre reinforced plastic products must meet two market-place criteria. First, they must be cost effective on a first-cost basis. Second, they must be accepted by the civil engineering design and construction community. Development o specifications to be used by owners, designers, and contractors is a primarily requirement of any new material and product. Also, specifications should be based on results from standard test methods. Appropriate tests need to be identified, their relevance demonstrated, and acceptability to professional proven. The paper provides a proposal to the subject of fibre reinforced plastic bars tensile test. More work on the standard in obviously needed before the test procedure can be generally accepted. This should include establishment of the repeatability of the results with different operators and laboratories.