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SILVA, Hallinson Rafael et al. Formalization of tasks control in small size construction sites: starting the dissemination of lean construction ideas. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO, 4., ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO, 2005, Porto Alegre. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2005.
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Small-scale enterprises usually improvise their production systems due to lack of knowledge and monetary resources, besides the low level of schooling of their workforce. The instructions are given verbally and the control procedures are done informally. Thus, this kind of construction site deserves special attention. Starting from the smaller enterprises, which are significantly spread countryside and represent most part of Brazilian construction sector, it would be possible to enlarge the dissemination of Lean Construction ideas and to communicate its philosophy. This study proposes the implementation of some control charts, regarding the masonry task, conveniently adjusted to the understanding of the workforce, and containing, even in an implicit way, some Lean Construction ideas. The tasks control would be formalized through an official document group. This way, the flow of information would be optimized and the knowledge would be improved. The next step of this research, to be included in another article, will be the application of these spreadsheets to a series of small size construction sites, with the analysis of their efficiency.