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ANDRADE, Jairo José de Oliveira; DAL MOLIN, Denise Carpena Coitinho; RIBEIRO, José Luis Duarte. A critical analysis of chloride penetration models in reinforced concrete structures. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONCRETE, PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES, 3., 2002, Recife. Anais… Recife, 2002.
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One vital and persistent objective in engineering is to develop, in mathematical form, performance relationships between all the variables and parameters in a system. In durability of reinforced concrete structures, one topic in evidence is the chloride penetration in concrete. Many authors have presented models for to predict the time necessary for the initiation of corrosive process due chloride ions in aggressive environments. However, the models presented in literature represent individual parts of phenomena, consider simplifications which don’t occur in nature, or have variables and parameters difficult to obtain in laboratory and/or field experiments. In this paper, 3 models were selected for analysis to determine their ability in properly predicting the chloride penetration in concrete structures. These are the solution of 2nd Fick’s Law, the complete solution of 2nd Fick’s Law, considering the variation of diffusion coefficient and the superficial concentration of chlorides in time; and a recent model proposed by the authors. Analysis of the formulations principles and assessment and applicability of equations were made, taking into account the adequate choice of parameters and variables involved, the difficulty to obtain these parameters, and if the models represent properly the natural phenomena.