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SANTOS, Aguinaldo dos et al. The principle of transparency applied in construction. In: INTERNATIONAL GROUP FOR LEAN CONSTRUCTION MEETING, 6., 1998, Guarujá. Anais… Guarujá: IGLC, 1998.
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Transparency is one of the foundations of excellence in manufacturing and a fundamental step to construction companies searching for excellence in their production systems. It can be simply defined as the ability of a production process (or its parts) to communicate with people. It is a move from the usual silent production process to a more communicative one. The traditional conversion model has contributed to the lack of transparency in construction. This mental model understand production systems as a set of transformations of inputs into outputs. In contrast, other alternative models, see production as a system composed of operation flows (machine or man) and process. flows (information or material) (Gilbreth 1911, Shingo 1989, Koskela 1992). When construction is seen as a flow, the demands for better capability to handle vast amounts of information is bigger. Thus, the application of the principle of transparency is a key point to make viable the flow model. In this context, the present paper tries to demonstrate the practical and theoretical implications of the principle of transparency in the construction industry, using examples from Brazil and England.