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KOWALTOWSKI, D. C. C. K.; BARROS, L. A. F. Recycling existing building stock in city centers for housing: the need for directives. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITETURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 2001. p. 535-540.
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Cities in developing countries like Brazil have a chronic housing shortage and lack of available adequate land stock for new residential developments. These conditions are factors causing the occurrence of slums and uncontrolled urban growth in areas without infra-structure. On the other hand an available building stock exists in city centers, which could be capitalized upon for housing. This paper discusses the need for legal organisms, in this case the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to seize the opportunity of using this building stock for housing. Impediments to recycling existing constructions are exemplified. Directives are indicated. These directives are discussed in relation to sustainable development of the built environment and to the revitalization of decadent urban areas. Specific focus is given to planning and management of such recycling projects. Code changes and deregulation as well as bureaucratic mechanisms are discussed. Difficulties in attaining good habitability standards through design interventions are shown. The differences between renovation, demolition and reconstruction are shown to be important factors in the sustainability level of such projects, since different magnitudes of rubble generation and efficiency of energy use exist, especially during construction. Effects of such recycling projects are discussed in relation to real-estate values and urban transformations. The specificity of building the projects and the need for specialized labor and equipment in the construction phase are important factors.