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CARDOSO, Francisco. Stratégies d entreprises st nouvelles formes de rationalisation de la production dans le bâtiment au Brésil et en France. 478p. Tese (Pós-graduação em Economia e Ciências Sociais) - I Ècole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Université Paris Val-de-Marne, Paris, 1996.
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In order to improve the effectiveness of building construction firms, we have studied the new types of rationalisation of production, in France and in Brazil. For us, effectiveness of the capacity of the firm to hold constant or even to increase its level of activities. Efficiency is the firm's capacity of performance throght the entire production process. One of the results of this research is the construction of a special procedure that allows us to identify and to characterise the main factors of effectiveness that are at play in competition between firms in both countries. Threby, the procedure allows us to identify and to analyse the new types of racionalisation of production that firms put into practice in order to be efficient in this competition. The investigation described in this thesis centers around the estrategies of the firms, especially the generic competitive estrategies developed by PORTER. To suervive, the firm must the competition by producing better or by producing cheaper. Our main thesis is that building construction firm's effectiveness, nawadays, is closely associated with the gains in efficiency achieved by the application of technical and economic approaches. Savings are obtained by improving the phases of the production process en general or the phases of production system in particular. These improvements are articulate by means of the "processes", sets of activities that are put togheter in a coherent way, that lead to a real gain in the value of the building-product. These "processes" are put into practice though tools and methods used by the organization and the management. The concern both local and transversal aspects, that act both on the structure of the building construction firm and on the othe actors of the building industry. All actors must question their roles, their strategies, the form of their organization and management, and either their relationships or their collaborations with the other actors, The survival and the properity of eacha actor and od the industry depends on of all these issues. This new competitive stakes of the building market represent the occasion of rethinking the constrution firm's policies in regards to efectiveness. In this respect, even countries like Brazil, where commercial efficiency and financial effectivenes has always commanded over technical effectiveness, are concerned.