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ILHA, M. S. O.; NUNES, S. S.; PEDROSO, L. P. Water conservation program in the State University of Campinas. In: CIB SYMPOSIUM ON CONSTRUCTION E ENVIRONMENT: THEORY INTO PRACTICE, 2000, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo, 2000.
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Usually, the maintenance service in Public Brazilian Universities is centralized and has a small staff. In this setting, users are not worried about water consumption since they are not directly affected by the consumption costs. These aspects cause a generalized situation of leakage and water losses. This paper presents the study that has been developed in the State University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, which has a daily population of 30000 users and almost 250 buildings. The majority of the buildings do not have water meters and leakages are frequent since there is no predictive maintenance routine. There were only five water meters located in a central area. This program contemplates plumbing fixtures survey in all buildings,waste water detection and repair, water consumption remote metering and replacement of traditional urinal and lavatory faucets by saver ones.