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ROCHA, D. A.; MACHADO, J. M.; HADDAD, A. N. Análise da estrutura danificada em acidente no brise-soleil na Escola de Engenharia da Universidade Federal Fluminense. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO DE ESTRUTURAS DANIFICADAS, 1998, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 1998.
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This paper analyses the colapse of a brise-soleil structure, at the School of Engeneering of the Fluminense Federal University, in Niterói, Brazil. Shows some design and constructive aspects of these elements and specific evaluation of the loadings, otherwise the correct normalization wasn't followed, because of some operationality motivation from the university builders. A description of the colapsed strutured founded, with some data is related, and, by the use of specific techniques is developed a study of the possible cause of the accident.