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ROCHA, Alexsandra; OLIVEIRA, Roberto de. O usuário da habitação no contexto da APO. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ABEPRO, 1998.
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Citações: 29
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New housing's paradigm refers conceptually, neither as a simple nor as a restricted physical space, but as a harmonious interaction of three-dimensional character, as shelter, access and tenure. Within this focus a person looks inward as a housing's user, being its main actor of that scenery, where each of his/her aspirations, tastes, preferences, and needs should be conveniently detached and harmonized. However, the reality appears different because user's opinion has been constantly ignored by the agents of the housing process. Sensitive to that, many researchers have been trying to channel knowledge through several studies attempting to revert this picture. In that sense, Post-Occupancy Evaluation (APO) is shimmered as an important tool in the development of many researches in the housing field. In a behavioral basis, this work searches for a user-based post-occupancy study inside an APO domain in shelter dimension. This work is also based on assumptions that building essential attributes are symbolic, human, environmental, technician, economic, social and functional. This paper approaches housing attributes though literature review and current Brazilian researches in progress.