Mais informações

DA GRAÇA, M. E. A.; FREIRE, C. C. A.; FARINA, H. A produção de projetos de sistemas prediais: fase conceitual e fase preliminar. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ABEPRO, 1998.
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Número de Trabalhos: 1 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 1
Índice h: 1  
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Dados do autor na base InfoHab:
Número de Trabalhos: 6 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 15
Índice h: 3  
Co-autores: 24


This paper offers some guidelines for the design production process of building systems aiming maintenance and operation during all life cycle. It focuses the preliminary and conceptual design phases. The methodology proposed develop the systems production based on the user requirements and concepts of maintenance and operation. Those needs and concepts must give directions to all design process. It's emphasized the importance of professional range involved in the conceptual and production process. The team should also focus the decision in a systemic form to achieve a better final product in all of senses.