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PAULINO, Ana Adalgisa Dias; GABRIEL, Débora Carine Amaral; TAVARES, Dyanna Karla Pinheiro. Perfil tecnológico de desenvolvimento das empresas construtoras da cidade de Natal/RN. In: CONGRESSO DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 5., 2002, Juiz de Fora. Anais…Juiz de Fora: UFJF, 2002.
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The civil construction industry of Rio Grande do Norte State, is on the middle of a transition process, including the competitiveness grow, quality control of prime-material, process and product. The State is incorporating, with relative delay, changes that are coming to improve the product quality, cost cuts, professional qualification, environmental adaptations and client satisfaction. Now a days the market tend to increase its requirements concerning to Quality and the companies need to be prepared to attend and respond those demands of an economy more globalize. Based on this situation it was realized a sector diagnostic, in order to qualify technologically the civil construction companies of RN State. To collect to data, it was elaborated one questionnaire, like checklist, that was applied at the companies' offices and their sites, with the companies' owners and their site's engineers. The questionnaire intends to analyze the implemented innovations at the offices and sites. According to the results, it is possible to conclude that there is a delay in introducing new technologies at the construction companies, specially the small ones, where many of them don't even know about construction rationalization and quality systems. From this analyze, it will be determinate and implement actions for technological development and quality to construction companies from RN State, in order to give them more competitiveness in the market.