Mais informações

Araújo, Nelma Mirian Chagas de; Meira, Gibson Rocha. Legislação sobre saúde e segurança do trabalho no setor de construção : um estudo comparativo entre as normas brasileiras e as diretivas da CEE. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 21., INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 7., 2001, Salvador. Anais… Salvador: ABEPRO, 2001.
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Occupational risk management and prevention of accidents at work are the pillars of an efficient company policy. They are required, not only because of legal obligations, economic arguments or in order to safeguard the company's image, but also to protect the physical and emotional integrity of the company's workforce. This study shows a global view about the application of the work safety standards in Brazil and European Community (Directives), in building construction companies, and the benefits and problems on its application in building sites.