Mais informações

Araújo, Nelma Mirian Chagas de; Meira, Gibson Rocha. Utilização da NR-18 em canteiros de obras de edificações verticais da grande João Pessoa. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 16., 1996, Piracicaba. Anais… Piracicaba: ABEPRO, 1996.
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This work presents a diagnosis about the use of official safety norms aproved by the Ministry of Work, specially the one that regulates the work conditions in building industry. It took place in João Pessoa city in Paraíba state and it was based on direct observations of the way of working in building companies. It was observed that many important recomendations of this norm were not used and this situation was conected with a lack of knowledje about this safety norm, a low perception of the importance of using safety norms to reduce accidents and get better work conditions, and a not efficient fiscalization practiced by responsable government departments.