Mais informações

Góes, Adriano Camboim et al. Uma análise da aplicação do modelo de Son na construção civil. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 21., INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 7., 2001, Salvador. Anais… Salvador: ABEPRO, 2001.
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Building companies uses traditional model in their cost estimation, parting by a basic classification of direct and overhead cost and concetrating in tangible inputs, due to easy mensuration. The Son's model developed in advanced manufacturing sistems, increase this base, incorporating variables that explain the cost relatives to quality and the cost relatives to flexibility. This collection of variables go beyond the tangible inputs, involving, also, intagibles inputs, that generate cost information that make easy management control actions. This paper analises the aplicability of this varaibles showed in Son's Model in the civil consturction scenery, specially in building construction ambient, achievinh the conclution that his application is possible, since that some adjusts must being done and can aplicate the collections of variables that make part of the original model.