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BARBOSA, Miriam Jeronimo. Uma metodologia para especificar e avaliar o desempenho térmico de edificações residenciais unifamiliares. Orientação de Roberto Lamberts.274pTese (Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,Florianópolis,1997.
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Desenvolvimento de urna metodologia para especificar e avaliar o desempenho térmico em edificações térreas, residenciais unifamiliares. A estrutura básica para a montagem da metodologia foi: confirmar os limites de conforto térmico a serem adotados, ajustar uma ferramenta de simulação térmica horária anual, frente a diferentes sistemas construtivos, e estabelecer o limite de horas anuais de desconforto com base em um sistema construtivo referencial. A escolha do limite de horas anuais de desconforto aceitável foi feita frente à realidade econômica e o referencial cultural. Com este limite pode-se parametrizar o desempenho térmico para viabilizar a avaliação por prescrição. A avaliação por desempenho pode ser feita simulando-se qualquer sistema construtivo, quantificando-se as horas anuais de desconforto e comparando-as com o limite aceitável estabelecido. Esta metodologia foi aplicada para Londrina-PR mas pode ser aplicada a outras cidades.


The purpose of this thesis was to develop a methodology to specify and evaluate the desired thermal performance for single famile low-cost houses. The basic structure to develop the methodology was: to confirm conditions of thermal comfort for the local population, to ajust an hourly thermal simulation tool with field data from different building system and to establish the annual number of hours of discomfort to be accepted based on a reference building. In ordem to define the reference building, an investigation was carried out in low-cost housing companies (COHABs) to establish the building typology most used in Brazil. The methodology was applied to Londrina - PR where a field work was carried out in five diferent building typologies. Indoor summer and winter temperatures and user’s thermal sensations were monitored. The indoor temperatures and building typology was used to ajust an hourly thermal simulation tool. The user’s thermal sensations were used to confirm the thermal comfort limits. A test refence year (TRY), was developed for Londrina to be used in simulations. In the methodology, the number of hours of indoor temperature outside the comfort limits were considered as annual hour of discomfort. With the simulation tool adjusted and the TRY, simulations were performed with sereral alternatives. The limit of annual hours of discomfort was made based on the low-cost housing reality and the reference building. With this limit, a prescritive building was developed based on thermal parameter (thermal transmitance, solar absortance, shading of openings and ventilation). The evaluation by performance can be made by using an annual hourly simulation tool to quantify the hours of discomfort of a given building and comparing it to the limit established. The methodology was applied to Londrina but could be used for other cities.