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Santos, Iara Gonçalves dos; Lima, Henrique Gazzola de; ASSIS, Eleonora Sad de. A graphical method for the sky view factor calculation in the urban heat island studies. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago do Chile. Anais... Santiago do Chile, 2003.
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The Sky View Factor (SVF) or obstruction angle of the local horizon is one of the most important aspects of the urban geometry in relation with temperature change inside city structures. Its value is the result of parameters that can be controlled by the urban legislation, such as urban morphology, dimension of streets, urban densities and buildings' height. The SVF is used to analyze the local capacity of the urban fabric in loosing heat by radiation exchange to the sky at night. Previous researches showed that obstructed urban sites (with low SVF value) have higher temperatures and slower cooling effect during the night, which characterizes the urban heat island phenomenon. Therefore, the knowledge of the local SVF is important for the understanding of the temperature dynamics on the urban sites and it can help to generate legal instruments to maintain the environmental quality of the city. This paper presents a less laborious and more accurate graphical method for determining SVF. It uses known CAD software and is of easy application by architects and engineers. The method was applied successfully in a study about the influence of the SVF in the temperature variation on an urban area in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.