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Pandolfelli, V. C. et al. Método para avaliar o desempenho de concretos refratários aplicados por projeção. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CERÂMICA, 47., 2003, João Pessoa. Anais... João Pessoa, 2003.
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The raising interest for the shotcrete application process is motivated by the great installation rate and by the enhanced final properties of the sprayed materials. Nevertheless, despite the high technology comprising the shotcrete equipments, the development of sprayable compositions have been carried out through empirical methods. Such technological gap probably reflects the lack of laboratorial techniques able to evaluate the shotcrete performance of refractory castables. For this reason, the main objective of the present work was the development of a novel characterization method, which is based on castable rheometry, to simulate the successive steps involved in the shotcrete process: mixing, pumping, spray shooting and castable sticking / hardening on the surface. Additionally, three distinct commercial shotcrete castables were evaluated by using the developed characterization method.