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Saurin, Tarcisio Abreu; FORMOSO, Carlos Torres; Guimarães, Lia Buarque de Macedo. Safety and production: an integrated planning and control model. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: THE CHALLENGE OF INTEGRATION, 2003, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: CIB, 2003.
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This paper presents a safety planning and control model (SPC) that has been integrated to the production planning and control process. The model integrates safety into three hierarchical levels of production control. Safety long-term planning starts with the Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) of construction processes. These plans are detailed and updated at both medium-term and short-term planning levels. The main performance measure adopted for safety evaluation at the short-term level is the Percentage of Safe Work Packages (PSW). It monitors the degree in which work packages are safely carried out. The model also proposes a participatory mechanism that allows workers to point out existing risks as well as to evaluate risk controls. This paper discusses two empirical studies in which the model was implemented in industrial construction projects.