Mais informações

SILVA, Maria de Fátima; BOGGIO, Aldo; FORMOSO, Carlos. Treinamento de operários no serviço de alvenaria: alguns resultados preliminares. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON STRUCTURAL MASONRY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 5., 1994, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 1994. p. 427-434.
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This paper presents the preliminary results of an ongoing study which aims at improving the quality and productivity of the building process in small sized firms from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. One of the strategies adopted for achieving this aim has been to stablish a methodology for developing improvements in the main tasks carried out in building sites, through the training of building operatives. Considering the building technologies which predominate in the region, the task of brickwork was chosen as the first one to be approached. A number of training courses has been carried out in building firms. It was possible to learn about their level of technological and managerial development, and to identify the needs of bricklayers in terms of training and professional development. The study showed that there is much scope for improving the quality and productivity of brickwork. Based on the experience gathered during the courses, a number of guidelines for implementing training programmes in the building industry are proposed.