Mais informações

Marchesan, Paulo Renato Colpo; FORMOSO, Carlos Torres. Custeio baseado em atividades produtivas instáveis : o caso da construção civil. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 21., INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 7., 2001, Salvador. Anais… Salvador: ABEPRO, 2001.
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Número de Trabalhos: 122 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 91)
Citações: 7
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One of the challenges with applying ABC to real world situations consists in the recognition that every production process are variable in some degree. Indeed, production process are composed of individual activities that are variable by nature. Additionally, the process itself may have a high degree of variability, meaning that certain activities may or may not be performed. In order to accommodate ABC concepts to such production environments, a specific cost allocation structure should be considered. This paper presents an adapted activity-based costing model. The model includes a cost allocation structure designed specifically for turbulent production environments such as those found in the construction industry. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the data collection and analysis process. Some results of real world applications in which the proposed model were successfully implemented are also presented. The main conclusions of this research work are that the adoption of ABC concepts in turbulent production environments demands the translation and adaptation of such concepts in order to create a manageable cost system The study also indicated that the cost information provided by the proposed model makes the production processes more transparent; helps to identify production inefficiencies; and supports the decision making.