Mais informações

COSENZA, Carlos Alberto Nunes; PIRES, Jaqueline de Lima. O estudo das relações ambiente: comportamento como instrumental da qualidade ambiental nas edificações industriais, uma proposta. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 16., 1996, Piracicaba. Anais… Piracicaba: ABEPRO, 1996.
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Número de Trabalhos: 3 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 3)
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The industrial environment is caracterized today by a modernization process in wich information and management technologies prevail. This scene of changes, directly provoked by the trasformations in the market characteristics, has determined impacts in the formation and qualification of labor, bringing the need for a new worker profile, more creative, with greater decision and autonomy power, and conscious of the objectives of his firm. A present and future challenge to the firm is to work with these aspects, defining work quality based on behaviour. The built enviroment, as a transmitter and translator of the actual philosophy can largely contributer for their objective with the view of the existing relationship between environment and behaviour. The present article has as its object to show the importance of the study of the environment-behaviour relationships in the analysis and evaluation of the industrial architecture projects, aiming the environment quality.