Mais informações

FERNANDEZ, A. et al. Diagnóstico de corrosión en puentes de hormigón armado de la costa norte y sur cubana. In: CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE PATOLOGIA DE LAS CONSTRUCCIONES, 5., CONGRESO DE CONTROL DE CALIDAD, 7., 1999, Montevidéu. Anais… Montevidéu, 1999. p. 1216-1222.
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Citações: 12
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The work aims the results obtained in the diagnostic study of four Cuban bridges located in the north and south coast of the country, all damaged by corrosion of the reinforcing bars. The study covers the trials accomplished to know the mechanical physical characteristics of the concrete (surface hardness, compressive strength); and others such as: concrete cover thickness, density, porosity, depth of carbonatation, pH value and the total chloride content. It is attributed to the high porosity of the concrete the fundamental cause of the visible damage and deterioration.