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DE QUEIROZ, T. C. F.; BASTOS, L. E. G.; PEREIRA, L. R. Sustainable architectural concepts applied to a paper recycling plant. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 16., 1999, Brisbane. Anais... Brisbane: PLEA, 1999. p. 77-82.
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Co-autores: 2


The process of recycling paper is a way to reduce pollution and to preserve natural scenery from deterioration. Despite this importance, there is a scarcity in Brazil of medium size industry devoted to recycling waste paper. In order to analyse this problem from the architectural point of view, it was proposed for a students’ group to design a plant for paper recycling. The industry would be located in Santa Cruz suburb (humid and hot), of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.The aim of this paper is to present the analysis performed and produce an appropriate architectural design for this type of industrial plant. The concepts of sustainable architecture were to be used: non-pollutant materials with low-embodied energy, emphasis on natural ventilation and passive daylighting systems. In addition, thermal comfort must be considered and the avoidance of thermal stress for the workmen. The present application also emphasises the responsibility required from professionals involved designing industrial buildings, using concepts of sustainable architecture and environmental quality.