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Rajapaksha, Upendra; Hyde, Richard. The potential of the tropical courtyard concept for cooling in multi storey buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITETURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 2001. p. 153-154.
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The paper discuses cooling strategies of the traditional tropical courtyard for modern multi storey buildings in warm humid climates. There is a wide range of design factors that promote cooling in the courtyard and attached built spaces. The most significant such factors include, a) a shaded transitional space- “microclimate”- for the building b) a positive wind pressure level in the shaded microclimate – a function of the “building form”- ensuring cross ventilation to generate from the shade and c) thermal properties of “fabric”. Brief theoretical research work presented here explores the potential use of such concepts for modern context and proposes a prototype for a multi storey courtyard building. Thus, the courtyard is proposed to ventilate horizontally through the shaded wind passages ensuring indoor cross ventilation to generate from the shaded courtyard. Shading and ventilation potential of the building form will enhance the cooling effect of indoor air. Work is currently underway to validate the prototype by measured data using selected existing non-domestic courtyard buildings found in tropical Australia and Sri Lanka.