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SPOSTO, Rosa Maria; AMORIM, Cláudia Naves. Preliminary analyses of quality and sustainability for masonry for housing in Brasília: Brazil. In: CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago do Chile. Anais... Santiago do Chile, 2003.
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It is widely known the need of researches in the quality field at this moment, when the competition due to the globalized world increases the search for more quality in building materials and constructive processes. Moreover, the energy crises, the environmental problems and the degradation of natural resources in Brazil and in the world claim that any intervention in the housing construction takes into account her sustainability, include the environmental impact from the extraction of raw materials necessary to the components production, until the possibility of recycling. The objective of this article is to study the control of quality of ceramic blocks , focusing also some aspects of the production of masonry. This kind of blocks is considered in this study because they are the most traditional masonry used in Brazil. It will be taken into account in this analysis some aspects regarding the control of quality in the process of production and reception of the blocks, between other aspects. Also some considerations about the quality and sustainability of each step of the process will be done. The results will be useful to the general improvement of the traditional technology for housing.