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TAKAKI, M.; TAKAKI, E. A. C.; BARKOKÉBAS JUNIOR, B. Identificação e avaliação dos possíveis riscos à saúde do trabalhador de distribuidoras de energia elétrica no estado de Pernambuco. In: CONGRESSO DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 5., 2002, Juiz de Fora. Anais…Juiz de Fora: UFJF, 2002.
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The study of the environmental risks was observed in the conditions of work of the company of distribution energy of service, seeking the reduction and prevention of accidents. With the identified basic points and quantified the existent risks, a "check-list" was created, starting from the norms NR's-4,5,6,7,9,10 and 18, as measures preventive or corrective. The results demonstrated that the largest number of accidents and victims happen in the maintenance services and construction, and 90% of the lesions were considered serious or light. The largest gravity of the accidents was detected in services of line lives, construction, operation and maintenance. The functions that cause larger number of fatal accidents are electrical, assistant and auxiliary of electricity. The incidence of the serious and light accidents happens in its majority, in electrician's and technician in eletrotechnical professions. The serious accidents have as consequence burns in general, and the light accidents, lesion of the motor members. With the obtained results intends the systematic use of the "check-list" in the attendance of the services accomplished by the company of energy, as orientation method and prevention of accidents, seeking to the safety and the improvement of the worker's quality of life.