Mais informações

MOURA, Danielle Costa de; OLIVEIRA, Roberto de. Diretrizes para mudanças organizacionais em empresas construtoras para o redirecionamento do processo de projeto. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 18., 1998, Niterói. Anais... Niterói: ABEPRO, 1998.
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Número de Trabalhos: 2 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 2)
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Dados do autor na base InfoHab:
Número de Trabalhos: 21 (Nenhum com arquivo PDF disponível)
Citações: 29
Índice h: 2  
Co-autores: Nenhum co-autor encontrado


This article seeks the proposition of a managerial model for the process of design of constructions. It tries to link the organizational changes inside of the buildings firms, for the evolution of the design activity. In order to propitiate a theoretical base on the subject, a brief revision of the Organizational Theories, regarding the concepts of environment, strategy, structure, technology, culture and human resources are made, starting from a managerial model obtained in the literature. It also relates the redirection of the design function in the productive process of buildings with the organizational dimensions of change, establishing guidelines for the conduction of the activity and propitiating a systemic vision of the design process.