Mais informações

NASCIMENTO, Luiz Antonio do; SANTOS, Eduardo Toledo. Estratégia para aprimoramento da eficiência e produtividade na construção civil através da análise dos processos e de um empreendimento. In: CONGRESSO DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 5., 2002, Juiz de Fora. Anais… Juiz de Fora: UFJF, 2002.
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Número de Trabalhos: 7 (Com arquivo PDF disponíveis: 6)
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The building design process management has great impact on the outcome and quality of the finished product. This work aims to identify and analyze, through a case study, the design process for the construction of a supermarket based mainly on pre-molded parts. The authors discuss the need for a quality program certification, the design process management in view of the company strategies and how the cooperation and integration among the several process agents occur. This document also proposes some directives for improving the design process thought rationalization of its activities and the integration of the phases and agents involved on the building process.